数字引领时代  智能开创未来

11.29 题目:On integrable and nonintegrable spatial discrete nonlinear Schrodinger-type equations,Matrix integral solutions to the related Leznov lattice equations


时间地点:20191129 1500,信息楼407




Title:  On integrable and nonintegrable spatial discrete nonlinear Schrodinger-type equations


Abstract: In this talk, we will focus on the topic on integrable and nonintegrable spatial discrete nonlinear Schrodinger-type equations, including integrable and nonintegrable spatial discrete NLS equations, integrable and nonintegrable spatial discrete Hirota equations, and integrable and nonintegrable spatial discrete nonlocal NLS equations.


报告人简介:朱佐农,上海交通大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师。学术研究方向是孤子和可积系统理论。在可积系统的研究上取得若干重要成果,在数学物理国际著名学术期刊上发表80多篇研究论文。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项、上海市浦江人才计划项目、教育部留学回国人员基金项目。 分别参加香港RGC、西班牙教育和创新部、西班牙经济和竞争部、国家自然科学基金海外合作等科研项目。先后学术访问美国、西班牙、加拿大、英国、巴西、日本、墨西哥的大学。






Title:  Matrix integral solutions to the related Leznov lattice equations


Abstract: Matrix integrals used in random matrix theory for the study of eigenvalues of Matrix ensembles have been shown to provide tau-functions for several hierarchies of integrable equations. In this talk, we construct the matrix integral solutions to the Leznov lattice equation, its semi-discrete and full-discrete version, Pfaffianized Leznov lattice system and one Pfaffianized semi-discrete Leznov system. We show that the parameter dependent partition function of Jacobi Orthogonal Ensemble and the Jacobi Symplectic Ensemble appear.


