数字引领时代  智能开创未来

06.05 题目:The Role of Generalized Matrix Inverses in Markov Chains

报告题目:The Role of Generalized Matrix Inverses in Markov Chains

报告人:Jeffrey Hunter, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand  

报告时间:6月5日 (周三) 10:00


报告摘要:Generalized matrix inverses play important roles in solving for various key properties of finite, irreducible, Markov chains, in particular, the stationary distribution and the moments of the first passage time distributions. This arises from the observation that generalized matrices are used to solve systems of singular linear equations. In the context of Markov chains, we consider generalized matrix inverses of the singular Markovian kernel, I - P, where P is the transition matrix of the Markov chain.


We survey the application of generalized matrix inverses to the aforementioned problems. We also establish that, under certain conditions, all generalized inverses of the Markovian kernel can be uniquely specified in terms of the stationary probabilities and the mean first passage times of the underlying Markov chain. Special sub-families include Meyer's group inverse of I - P, Kemeny and Snell's fundamental matrix of the Markov chain, and the Moore-Penrose g-inverse.


Jeffrey Hunter教授被认为在统计学领域具有远见卓识。2006年荣获新西兰统计协会颁发的最高奖项,Campbell奖,任新西兰统计协会的名誉终身会员。他曾于多国进行合作科研,并在美国和英国多所高校担任过访问职务。


他的研究重点是应用概率领域,包括马尔可夫链、半马尔可夫过程、广义矩阵逆、二维更新理论和排队论 —— 后者有可能改变通勤网络的设计方式,有助于缓解交通拥堵并提高效率。

2005年,Hunter教授因其在应用概率方面的工作被授予新西兰科学博士 —— 这是该研究领域学者第一次被授予该称号。在他的职业生涯早期,他曾获联邦奖学金、富布赖特奖学金。他于奥克兰大学获一等荣誉数学硕士学位,随后于美国北卡罗来纳大学获统计学博士学位。
