数字引领时代  智能开创未来

12.07 题目:Semiparametric inference for multiple nonnegative distributions with excess zero observations


inference for multiple nonnegative distributions with excess zero observations



A non-standard, but not

uncommon, situation is to observe multiple samples of nonnegative data which

have a high proportion of zeros. This talk will focus on some important, and

fundamental, statistical inference problems for such data structure. A unique

feature of the target populations is that the distribution of each sample is

characterized by a non-standard mixture of a singular distribution at zero and

a skewed nonnegative component. We propose modelling the nonnegative components

using a semiparametric, multiple-sample, density ratio model. Under this semiparametric

setup, we can exploit information from all available samples even with

unspecified underlying distributions. The first part of this talk studies the

problem of testing homogeneity of multiple such distributions. We develop a new

empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) test for homogeneity and show that this ELR

has a $\chi^2$-type limiting distribution under the homogeneous null

hypothesis. A nonparametric bootstrap procedure is further proposed to

calibrate the finite sample distribution of the ELR. The consistency of this

bootstrap procedure is established under both the null and alternative

hypotheses. The second part of this talk investigates the problem of making

inference on the means of multiple such distributions. We develop a new ELR

statistic, and show that this ELR has a $\chi^2$-type limiting distribution

under a general null hypothesis. This result allows us to construct a new test

for mean equality as an important special case. Some simulation and real data

analysis results will also be presented.

