
文章来源:科研处 作者: 发布时间:2015-06-10 浏览次数:687

    ‘Beyond market integration. EU involvement in military and foreign policy, public finance and public administration’
 Philipp Genschel
    Philipp Genschel 为欧洲大学学院(European University Institute)社会政策系以及舒曼高级研究中心(Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies)欧洲公共政策研究联合教席教授。他曾在位于不莱梅的“国家转型”合作研究中心担任副主任,并于全球知名的马克斯普朗克研究所担任研究员。
    1. Philipp Genschel & AchiM K., 2011, “Accelerating downhill: How the EU shapes corporate tax competition in the Single Market”, JCMS ,Volume 49. No.3. Pp. 585-606;
    2. Philipp Genschel & Peter Schwarz, 2011,”Tax competition: A literature review”, Socio- Economic Review, Volume 9,339-370;
    3. Philipp Genschel & Markus J., 2011, “How the European Union constrains the state”, European Journal of Political Research ,Volume 50.293-314,;
    4. Kenneth W. Abbott, Philipp Genschel, Duncan Snidal & Bernhard Zangl,2014,Two logics of indirect governance,
    5. Philipp Genschel & Bernhard Zangl, 2014,“State transformations in OECD countries”, A Review in Advance
