主 题:Stable matching: An integer programming approach
主讲人:黄超 博士
报告内容摘要:This paper develops an integer programming approach on two-sided many-to-one matching by investigating stable integral matchings of a fictitious continuum market induced from the original matching market. Each stable integral matching of the continuum market corresponds to a stable matching of the original matching market. We show that a stable matching exists in the original matching market when firms' preference profile satisfies a unimodularity condition. Our result indicates that a stable matching is guaranteed to exist with various forms of complementary preferences.
主持人:焦振华 教授
时 间:2021年5月14日(星期五)13:30-15:00
地 点:必赢626net入口首页博识楼113会议室
黄超,上海财经大学西方经济学博士,南京审计大学社会与经济研究院润泽学者,主要研究领域为:微观经济理论、市场设计理论、匹配理论;论文发表于Games and Economic Behavior,Social Choice and Welfare等。
This paper develops an integer programming approach on two-sided many-to-one matching by investigating stable integral matchings of a fictitious market where each worker is divisible. We show that a stable matching exists in a real-life market when firms’ preference profile satisfies a unimodularity condition. Contrary to common blief, this result indicates that a stable matching is guaranteed to exist with various forms of complementary preferences.